They were studying at the University in the same study room. He was a thin young man who was ashamed of his appearance before his companions for the savageness and height he possessed. But that love bug stung him. The intense love that makes you sigh, dream about the beloved and write poems that he only read. She was the smartest in the class but proud, quiet and ignored the eyes of the young man who did not miss any of his movements. Her gypsy beauty took her breath away, her copious long black hair slipped down her back like a waterfall fed by an endless torrent. One day he entered the store that the girl's father had near the study center. He confessed his love for the daughter, he couldn't take it anymore, he had to tell the father of his feelings. -Well- said the Galician because that was his origin- take these fine boards for the ceiling of the warehouse and open them as if you were an experienced goldsmith. I will talk to my daughter and make her love you like nobody else in the world. At the University, his love for the girl escaped before his classmates and his friends told him:
-Well, get away from her because she already loves someone else and plans to marry him. The best thing is that I forgot her - and they laughed sneerily. He remembered that song by Diana Ross and the Supremes: “AIN’T NO MOUNTAIN HAIGHT ENOUFH” “Ain’t no mountain higher enough” “Nothing can`t keep me away from you” And the tare rared over and over again until she was tired in her lonely hours. He saw the girl with the boyfriend at a party. He carried a bottle of rum in the back pocket of his pants and occasionally took it out and had a drink. The young man remembered the promise he had made to the father. He went, took the boards and took them home. Alijó, sawed and with fine chisel engraved the finest arabesques of love that left his soul. All without knowing how that fine art arose from his hands. He took the tables to the father of the girl and he was amazed by the work. -It wasn't you. No. Someone should have helped you. The young man remained silent. Only love had inspired him. Then he learned that the girl had a pneumonia that did not respond to any medication. Finally, doctors handed her over to her parents in a coma so that she would die when God called her to the final rest. The boyfriend left her easily for others, he did not want to take care of the sick, it was not so much his love. Our young man asked the parents for permission and every afternoon he sat next to the bed of the sick woman to read his love poems that he had written so eagerly over the months, although the girl did not listen to them in their comatose state. Three months after the coma the girl opened her eyes, looked at the young man, recognized him and told him that in dreams he remembered each of his love poems. It was the only thing that connected her to the conscious world. The young man was very happy and felt happy, thanked God. When her parents entered, great was the happiness to see her return to herself, between tears and sobs. The girl looked at the young man next to her and said: -Now I know what true love is that it has no borders or high mountains to climb to meet the loved one. And so, it was the great love they professed each other. They got married, had children and were together until the end. One did not survive the other, so much love they had that they did not imagine living as widowed elders in the solitude of their memories.
““Baby if you need me call me no matter where you are,
No matter how far;
Just call my name; I'll be there in a hurry;
You don't have to worry,
'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe. I'll be there when you want me,
Some way, some how.
'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe.
My love is alive
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart”
"Honey, if you need me, call me no matter where you are.
It doesn't matter how far.
Just say my name.
I will be there in a hurry.
You don't have to worry Because I didn't hat a mountain high enough.
There is no valley low enough.
There is not a river wide enough.
To prevent him from touching you, baby.
I will be there whenever you want me.
Somehow, because baby there isn't a mountain high enough.
There is no valley low enough.
There is not a river wide enough To avoid being touched, baby.
My love is alive.
I walk down in my heart.
Although we are miles away "
Dr Orlando Vicente Álvarez
Posted by Orlando Vicente Alvarez

Estaban cursando la Universidad en la misma aula de estudio. Él era un joven delgado que se avergonzaba de su aspecto ante sus compañeros por la flacura y altura que poseía.
Pero le picó ese bicho del amor. El amor intenso que hace suspirar, soñar con la amada y escribirle poemas que él solo leía.
Ella era la más inteligente de la clase pero orgullosa, callada y no hacía caso de las miradas del joven que no se perdía ninguno de sus movimientos. Su belleza gitana le quitaba el aliento, su copiosa cabellera negra larga se escurría por su espalda como una cascada alimentada por un torrente sin fin.
Un día entró en el almacén que tenía el padre de la muchacha cerca del centro de estudio. Le confesó su amor por la hija, no podía más, tenía que decirle al padre de sus sentimientos.
-Bueno- dijo el gallego pues así era su origen- toma estas finas tablas para el cielo raso del almacén y lábralas como si fueras un orfebre experimentado. Yo hablaré con mi hija y haré que te quiera como nadie en el mundo.
En la Universidad cierta vez se le escapó ante sus compañeros su amor por la muchacha y sus amigas le dijeron:
-Pues, apártate de ella pues ya ama a otro y piensa casarse con él. Lo mejor es que la olvide-y rieron con sorna.
Él se acordaba de aquella canción de Diana Ross y las Supremas:
“Ain’t no mountain higher enough”
“Nothing can`t keep me away from you”
Y la tara rareaba una y otra vez hasta el cansancio en sus horas de soledad.
Vio a la muchacha con el novio en una fiesta. Él llevaba una botella de ron en el bolsillo trasero de su pantalón y de vez en cuando la extraía y tomaba un trago.
El joven recordó la promesa que le había hecho al padre. Fue, tomó los tablones y se los llevó a su casa. Alijó, serruchó y con fino cincel grabó los más finos arabescos de amor que le salieron del alma. Todo sin saber cómo aquel fino arte surgía de sus manos. Le llevó al padre de la chica las tablas y este quedó maravillado por el trabajo.
-No has sido tú. No. Alguien debió haberte ayudado.
El joven guardó silencio. Solo el amor lo había inspirado.
Luego se enteró que la chica tenía una Neumonía que no respondía a medicamento alguno. Por último los médicos la entregaron a sus padres en coma para que muriera cuando Dios la llamara al descanso final. El novio la dejó fácilmente por otras, no quería cuidar a enfermos, no era tanto su amor.
Nuestro joven pidió permiso a los padres y cada tarde se sentaba junto al lecho de la enferma a leerle sus poemas de amor que con tanto afán había escrito a lo largo de los meses, aunque la chica no los escuchara en su estado comatoso.
A los tres meses del coma la muchacha abrió los ojos, miró al joven, lo reconoció y le dijo que en sueños recordaba cada uno de sus poemas de amor. Era lo único que la conectaba con el mundo consiente. El joven se alegró mucho y se sintió dichoso, dio gracias a Dios.
Cuando entraron sus padres, grande fue la felicidad al verla volver en sí, entre lágrimas y sollozos.
La chica miró al joven a su lado y dijo:
-Ahora sé lo que es el verdadero amor que no tiene fronteras ni montañas altas para escalarlas para reunirse con el ser amado.
Y así, fue el gran amor que se profesaron uno al otro. Se casaron, tuvieron hijos y estuvieron juntos hasta el final. Uno no sobrevivió al otro, tanto amor se tenían que no se imaginaban vivir como unos ancianos viudos en la soledad de sus recuerdos.
““Baby if you need me call me no matter where you are,
No matter how far;
Just call my name; I'll be there in a hurry;
You don't have to worry,
'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe. I'll be there when you want me,
Some way, some how.
'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough,
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe.
My love is alive
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart”
"Cariño, si me necesitas, llámame sin importar dónde estés.
No importa lo lejos.
Solo di mi nombre.
Estaré allí a toda prisa.
No tienes que preocuparte Porque no hat una montaña lo suficientemente alta.
No hay valle lo suficientemente bajo.
No hay un río lo suficientemente ancho.
Para evitar que te toque, nena.
Estaré allí cuando me quieras.
De alguna manera, .Porque bebé no hay una montaña lo suficientemente alta.
No hay valle lo suficientemente bajo.
No hay un río lo suficientemente ancho Para evitar que te toque, nena.
Mi amor esta vivo.
Camino hacia abajo en mi corazon.
Aunque estamos a kilómetros de distancia "
Dr Orlando Vicente Álvarez
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